
Welcome to Alan & David’s Fans’ Guide to Glasgow

Clyde, the Worldcon 2024 plush Armadillo, pictured outside the SEC Armadillo Welcome to our guide to Glasgow! It's not just ours: this is a wiki so there have been many people helping us.

This site is not meant to be a encyclopaedic view of the city: there are much better sites for that. Rather, we've written this as more a help for people who are visiting the city for Glasgow 2024 Worldcon. As such it's incomplete and idiosyncratic: some things will be covered in too much detail; others, not covered at all.

We aim to give a visitor to the city — and especially a visitor to Glasgow 2024 — the following:

  • Information about getting to the city and the SEC itself,
  • An idea about food and facilities close to the SEC,
  • Some ideas for things to do and to see in Glasgow whilst not at the convention itself,
  • And a few ideas for those staying for a while longer in Scotland.

If you would like to contribute, please mail requesting a login. And have a look at the discussion page for this page where a list of resources for contributors are linked. We also have The List of things needing written with area owners.

Scotland has two seasons - Winter, and June. - Billy Connolly

See: Climate and Weather

This section covers getting to the city, and the paperwork you'll need in order to enter the UK.

How to Get to Glasgow

Visas, ETAs and other travel documentation

Preparation for Health Care Needs

Glasgow is a compact city, with a broad range of public transport options. Most is frequent and relatively cheap. Unfortunately, there is no integrated ticketing and no tourist's transport pass. Therefore it is useful to understand the various options and their relationships.

Distances are measured in miles and yards, but if you use an online map, it will of course use the measurements you prefer.

Getting to the SEC

Getting Around Glasgow

Latest Transport per day

Useful Travel Apps

The use of debit or credit cards for payments is practically ubiquitous, especially the use of contactless payments post-COVID. A little cash is still however recommended. More details below.

See: Paying by Cash and Card

The restaurant scene in Glasgow has improved immeasurably over the past ten years, and now boasts two Michelin-starred restaurants as well as food from a broader range of cultures than ever before. While options at the SEC itself are limited, Finnieston nearby is recognised as the city's hotspot of dining culture.

At or Near the SEC

Duke of Wellington statue with traffic cone on head

As with a city of any size, Glasgow has a wide range of places of interest to visit. Many of the sections below link to pages in the Glasgow Social Wiki, a curated, community maintained directory of Glasgow based resources and communities.

Local History

Museums and Art Galleries


Parks and Green Spaces

Shopping and Markets


Places of Religion and Worship

What's the story with this guy?

  • Last modified: 2024/07/18 14:27
  • by alan