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Cultural Norms

a.k.a. the big pile of random stuff that doesn't fit elsewhere.

Glaswegians are a brash, outgoing and generally friendly bunch. They'll talk to you, a lot, given the merest opportunity. Strangers don't greet each other in the street by default, but if some (often any) reason is found to talk to each other, they will talk. General politeness is appreciated. People in service industries will usually greet you and will appreciate being greeted in return.

It is against the law to smoke or vape in indoor public places, including hotel rooms. Please also respect any no smoking or vaping signs you see. Dispose of single-use vapes carefully.

Please recycle if you can, but if there are no convenient recycling bins nearby that you know of, just dispose your rubbish in a nearby ordinary bin.

Are usually still gendered. Restaurants etc will generally not let you use their toilets unless you are a paying customer. There are toilets in shopping malls and many publically-accessible buildings.

  • Last modified: 2024/04/21 12:31
  • by alan