====== Cultural Norms ====== a.k.a. the big pile of random stuff that doesn't fit elsewhere. ===== Interacting with Strangers ===== Glaswegians are a brash, outgoing and generally friendly bunch. They'll talk to you, a lot, given the merest opportunity. Strangers don't greet each other in the street by default, but if some (often any) reason is found to talk to each other, they will //talk.// General politeness is appreciated. People in service industries will usually greet you and will appreciate being greeted in return. ===== Smoking and Vaping ===== It is against the law to smoke or vape in indoor public places, including hotel rooms. Please also respect any no smoking or vaping signs you see. Dispose of single-use vapes carefully. ===== Recycling ===== Please recycle if you can, but if there are no convenient recycling bins nearby that you know of, just dispose your rubbish in a nearby ordinary bin. ===== Toilets ===== Are usually still gendered. Restaurants etc will generally not let you use their toilets unless you are a paying customer. There are toilets in shopping malls and many publically-accessible buildings. ==== Accessible Toilets ==== Accessible toilets generally require the ownership of a RADAR key in order to get into them. RADAR keys are [[https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=radar+key&crid=2REQ4IXT5J7VG|purchasable from Amazon UK]].